Ich bin oft sprachlos, und bald darauf, fehlen mir immer noch die Worte:
Meine .Tel-Domains, welche ich geschickt mit Social-Media-Links verknüpfe, stürmen von Seite 10, nach Seite 7, nach Seite 3, bis auf Rang 2 auf Seite 1 (Google / Firefox).
Innerhalb einer Woche, manchmal, nur. Ansonsten, sind ein paar Wochen, auch eine Super-Bilanz. Ich glaub ich seh nicht recht...
Ja, was heisst das: So viel Erfolg, in so kurzer Zeit, kann ich nicht mal mit einer .net oder .org erziehlen.
Ich kann es immer noch nicht fassen...: Diese Woche, haben viele meiner .Tel's Spitzenplätze erreicht.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Dot Tel Superbook for iPhone
The Superbook application allows you to quickly and easily navigate .tel data and add .tel domains to your address book.
Superbook extends capabilities of your iPod Touch or iPhone 3.0 or later to read and use your contacts' .tel domains. Look up any public .tel domains instantly to access your friends' latest contact information, keywords and location maps.
Superbook Application
Key Point Description
Full name Superbook iPhone® Application
Current release 1.2.0
Purpose Standalone application for speedily looking up .tel domains and using touch-to-communicate to get connected.
Key features - View and navigate all publicly available .tel information quickly and with minimal data connectivity
- Touch-to-communicate for all supported contact types
- View locations of your friends with an embedded map
Supported languages English only
Supported OS / Device iPhone OS 2.0 and higher
Programming Requires Mac OS X® 10.5, XCode 3.1 and the iPhone SDK 2.0; written in Objective-C and C
Download 900KB
Source code Available via SVN checkout, see Repository Browser.
Install procedure Download and install from the Apple App Store.
Uninstall procedure Standard
Configuration No additional configuration needed.
Known Limitations - Private information not supported.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Dot Tel Superbook iPhone Application
Learn more, and see more screen shots:
# Superbook application enables native browsing of .tel domains, superbook.tel
Superbook Application
Key Point Description
Full name Superbook iPhone® Application
Current release 1.2.0
Purpose Standalone application for speedily looking up .tel domains and using touch-to-communicate to get connected.
Key features - View and navigate all publicly available .tel information quickly and with minimal data connectivity
- Touch-to-communicate for all supported contact types
- View locations of your friends with an embedded map
Supported languages English only
Supported OS / Device iPhone OS 2.0 and higher
Programming Requires Mac OS X® 10.5, XCode 3.1 and the iPhone SDK 2.0; written in Objective-C and C
Download 900KB
Source code Available via SVN checkout, see Repository Browser.
Install procedure Download and install from the Apple App Store.
Uninstall procedure Standard
Configuration No additional configuration needed.
Known Limitations - Private information not supported.
Telchina Dot Tel Domain Launch (Report)
Telchina Domain Launch:
Tel China (www.telchina.org) und die International Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, China TMT, organisierten zusammen einen Kongress, mit Namen "Science and Technology age, communication and innovation ". Die Themen waren „Internet, investment, telecommunications“ und einiges mehr.
Über 150 Persönlichkeiten, bestehend aus Fachleuten auf dem Gebiet der mobilen Internet-Kommunikation, nahmen an den Gesprächen teil.
Die Schirmherrschaft (oder das Patronat?) hatte die TMT Chamber of Commerce (Chinesische Handelskammer Beijing).
Der derzeitige Jahrespreis für eine .Tel-Domain in China, beträgt laut Medienberichten 160 Chinesischer Renmimbi (CNY), beziehungsweise, 160 yuan, was umgerechnet $23,84 oder Euro 17,80 Euro entsprechen. Was gegenüber den $10,00 eines Name.com, zum Beispiel, mehr als das Doppelte ist. Viel zu teurer. Und beim niedrigen chinesischen Einkommensniveau, kaum Massentauglich.
In China lief soeben die gleiche .Tel-Gehirnwäsche ab, wie damals in England: Die gleichen Phrasen und schönen Reden:
Telnic Generaldirektor Khashayar Mahdavi, sagte vor einer grossen Versammlung, dass .Tel in Europa viele Erfolgsgeschichten zu verzeichnen hätte, und belehrend fügte er hinzu, dass er meine, dass die Benutzer von .Tel erfolgreicher im chinesischen Markt würden.
Weiter, meint Herr Mahdavi, dass er mit der .Tel etwas Neues und Andersartiges in China einführe, und dass die .Tel China und die Welt verändern würde...
Also, da kann ich nur den Kopf schütteln...
Da scheint sich die gleiche Dummheit, wie in London fortzusetzen...
Also, das scheint mir ja doch noch die Lachnummer zu werden, die ich kommen sah...
Quellen (und übersetzt via Google Translate, und eingener Übersetzung):
Fazit: Der hohe chinesische Registrationspreis für eine .Tel-Domain, von beinahe 24,00 Dollar, besagt mir, dass Telnic in China "auf dem Holzweg" ist. Weshalb sollen die Chinesen, welche in der Regel ein viel geringeres Einkommen haben, mehr als das Doppelte zahlen, als was ein gut verdienender Europäer oder Amerikaner für die Registrierung einer .Tel-Domain auslegen muss? So geht die Rechnung nie und nimmer auf.
Oder hat die Telnic ein Loch in der Kasse, seit der Zahlung der Kaution von Euro 75'000, um ihren Vizegeneraldirektor aus der Gefängnishaft zu holen?
Und ich hatte schon gedacht, die Telnic sei vernünftig geworden...
Ich sehe Nichts, von Alledem. Nur wieder die Geldgier. Die destruktive Geldgier. Von Leuten, die für sehr viel Geld, sehr wenig tun.
China Tel (www.telchina.org) and the International Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, China TMT, organized a conference together, called "Science and Technology age, communication and innovation". The topics were "Internet, investment, telecommunications, and more.
More than 150 people, consisting of experts in the field of mobile Internet communications, participated in the discussions.
The patron (or patrons?), The TMT Chamber of Commerce (Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing).
The current price for a years. Tel-domain in China is, according to media reports, Chinese Renmimbi 160 (RMB) or yuan, 160, which correspond to the equivalent of $ 23.84 or € 17.80 euro. What is compared to the $ 10.00 one Name.com, for example, more than double. Far too expensive. And the Chinese low-income, hardly a mass scale.
In China, ran from just the same. Tel-brainwashing, as it was in England: The same phrases and beautiful speeches:
Telnic CEO Khashayar Mahdavi, said before a large gathering that. Phone in Europe would have recorded many success stories, and instructive, he added that he meant that the users of. Tel successful in the Chinese market would.
Next, Mr. Mahdavi says that he and the. Tel introduce something new and different in China, and change that. Tel China and the world would ...
So, I can only shake my head ...
Since it appears that the same stupidity as to continue in London ...
Well, it seems to me that were yet to become the laughing stock that I saw coming ...
Sources (and translated via Google Translate, and input translation):
Conclusion: The high price for a Chinese registration. Tel-domain from nearly $ 24.00 to me is that Telnic in China "on the wrong track" is. Why should the Chinese, who generally have a much lower income, more than twice the pay than what a well-paid Europeans or Americans to register one must interpret. Tel-domain? So goes the account to never, ever.
Or has the Telnic get a hole in the bank, since the payment of the deposit of € 75,000 to its deputy director general of the prison?
And I was thinking that the Telnic had become sensible ...
I see nothing of all this. Only the love of money again. The destructive greed. By people who do a lot of money for very little.
DomainsBot Helps Business, Professionals and End-Users Easily Find a new .tel Name
PR Newswire
ROME, September 21, 2010
ROME, September 21, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — DomainsBot extensive "name spinner" Internet address search and suggestion tool now includes .tel names.
DomainsBot, the leading domain name suggestion and search engine company, today announced it will include the innovative, communications-focused .tel names in their domain name search and suggestion tool, used by the majority of the world's best-known Internet domain name retailers including GoDaddy, Tucows and Register.com.
DomainsBot's "name spinner" tool is designed to help developers, site owners and marketers find available domain names when a first-choice domain name is already registered. DomainsBot offers a wide variety of results, including domain names that are available, expiring and for sale to ensure that businesses can easily find the best available domain name for their company and products.
"As more and more businesses, professionals, and savvy individuals see that the way in which people access the internet for information and content is changing, the need for different solutions to present that information is also changing," said Daniel Ruzzini Mejia, Co-Founder & CSO, DomainsBot. "The tel domain is now a significant part of being found on the internet, as it helps potential customers find what they're looking for cheaply and quickly, regardless of the device or application that the person looking for the content is using; we wanted to make it possible for our customers to participate in this next wave of innovation for the Internet."
"We're delighted that DomainsBot has included .tel names in its search and suggestion tool," said Justin Hayward, Communications and Business Development Director, Telnic. "In this current age of austerity, small businesses are questioning whether traditional solutions for engaging customers online are still right for them. As a different type of domain name, .tel can provide an affordable online presence and enable businesses to benefit from sharing up-to-date contact information formatted for any device at very low cost."
About DomainsBot
Since 2005, DomainsBot, a privately held company headquartered in Rome, Italy has lead the "domain name suggestions" market with its self-learning Semantic Engine, a one-of-a-kind domain name search technology. As a supplier of domain name suggestions products to the majority of the world's best-known Internet domain name retailers, DomainsBot offers a powerful way for Technology and Marketing professionals to search for domain names with suggestions that embody the concepts sought by the customer. To learn more, visit http://domainsbot.tel
ROME, September 21, 2010
ROME, September 21, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — DomainsBot extensive "name spinner" Internet address search and suggestion tool now includes .tel names.
DomainsBot, the leading domain name suggestion and search engine company, today announced it will include the innovative, communications-focused .tel names in their domain name search and suggestion tool, used by the majority of the world's best-known Internet domain name retailers including GoDaddy, Tucows and Register.com.
DomainsBot's "name spinner" tool is designed to help developers, site owners and marketers find available domain names when a first-choice domain name is already registered. DomainsBot offers a wide variety of results, including domain names that are available, expiring and for sale to ensure that businesses can easily find the best available domain name for their company and products.
"As more and more businesses, professionals, and savvy individuals see that the way in which people access the internet for information and content is changing, the need for different solutions to present that information is also changing," said Daniel Ruzzini Mejia, Co-Founder & CSO, DomainsBot. "The tel domain is now a significant part of being found on the internet, as it helps potential customers find what they're looking for cheaply and quickly, regardless of the device or application that the person looking for the content is using; we wanted to make it possible for our customers to participate in this next wave of innovation for the Internet."
"We're delighted that DomainsBot has included .tel names in its search and suggestion tool," said Justin Hayward, Communications and Business Development Director, Telnic. "In this current age of austerity, small businesses are questioning whether traditional solutions for engaging customers online are still right for them. As a different type of domain name, .tel can provide an affordable online presence and enable businesses to benefit from sharing up-to-date contact information formatted for any device at very low cost."
About DomainsBot
Since 2005, DomainsBot, a privately held company headquartered in Rome, Italy has lead the "domain name suggestions" market with its self-learning Semantic Engine, a one-of-a-kind domain name search technology. As a supplier of domain name suggestions products to the majority of the world's best-known Internet domain name retailers, DomainsBot offers a powerful way for Technology and Marketing professionals to search for domain names with suggestions that embody the concepts sought by the customer. To learn more, visit http://domainsbot.tel
Monday, 20 September 2010
Telnic's beta version of Telchina.org is online
Telnic's beta version of Telchina.org is online:
Despite all the disagreements, problems, failures and scandals in the domestic market, Telnic has created a website (beta status) for the Chinese market:
Link to Telchina.org /. Tel Beta:
. TEL 的 商务 应用
Telchina.org website in the news:
Telnic's Beta-Version von Telchina.org ist online:
Trotz allen Unstimmigkeiten, Problemen, Misserfolgen und Skandalen auf dem heimischen Markt, hat Telnic eine Webseite (Beta Status) für den chinesischen Markt gestaltet:
Link zu Telchina.org / .Tel Beta::
Telchina.org Webseite in den Medien:
作为.tel 域名的注册运营商,Telnic 通过 ICANN 认证的注册商及其分销商网络独家分配.tel域名。
如果您希望成为.tel 的注册商,分销.tel网络名片,请在此填写申请表格。同时,您也可以找到经 Telchina认证的.tel 注册商列表。
作为.tel注册商,在营销活动中,您可以从Telnic 的推广和培训资源中受益。如果您有任何疑问或想拥有合作营销的机会,请通过registrar-team@telchina.org与我们联系。
- CEO:Lucywang.tel
- COO: Liguanghao.tel
- 商务拓展总监:Kevinkong.tel
- 市场总监:Celineyang.tel
- 注册商总监:Lihongrui.tel
- 技术总监:Yangjun.tel
- 产品总监:Jethwang.tel
- 客服高级经理:lizhenni.tel
欧洲最具创新产品登陆中国 Tel区引爆沟通新趋势
中国北京——2010年9月6日——创新的互联网服务提供商Tel 中国(www.telchina.org)今日宣布,在全球备受赞誉的.tel产品正式进入中国市场,中国广大个人及企业用户可以立刻构建自己的个性化特区,轻松享受便捷沟通和社交网络管理的新方式。
.tel 由Telnic公司负责注册运营,在2009年初开始商用以来,屡获各项创新大奖,包括“欧洲e-Excellence大奖”、“英国IT行业大奖”、 “世界技术大奖”等。Tel中国将.tel引入中国,在保持原有产品优势的同时,针对中国用户进行了多项改进,以Tel区的产品名称来服务中国用户。
“Tel 区提供了一种最为快速、简单,且性价比最高的信息传播和沟通方式。”Telnic公司首席执行官Khashayar Mahdavi先生表示:“在如今互联网日益发达的环境下,无论你是商务人士还是中小企业主,能让别人随时随地找到你变得日益重要。Tel区将联系方式和社交网络集成在用户名字的网址下,能够随时随地更新和管理,可以被包括手机在内的任何终端访问,在国外一经推出便得到了广大用户的高度认可。”
Tel 中国首席执行官王晓菁女士表示:“我们很高兴在中国全面运营和推广.Tel,将这种世界上最创新、最先进的互联网沟通方式带给中国用户。中国的手机用户已经超过8亿,互联网用户也高达4.2亿,不断增加的通讯方式,日益复杂的社交网络,使得用户对于信息整合和社交圈管理的需求日益迫切,Tel区致力于帮助用户构建网上信息和生活管理平台,从而为用户的生活和工作带来无限便利和极大价值。”
为了充分满足中国用户的需求,Tel 区已经开通个性皮肤等诸多个性化功能,更多特色功能将在未来逐步添加。现在,无论是个人还是企业用户,可以立即登录Tel中国的官方网站(www.telchina.org)或者通过Tel中国授权的代理商获得自己的Tel区。欲知更多有关Tel区的信息,请通过如下方式访问:
电 话:010-85997136-606
电 话:010-85079448
5 Responses to “Innovation and .tel in China”
Mike Seaton says:
September 17, 2010 at 1:37 pm
That’s good news Justin – just the sort of high-profile boost that Dot Tel needs. Have tweeted about it to my followers.
Chris Vanderhorst says:
September 17, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Telnic is obviously in it for the long term. Continued acceptance globally while advancing internally is key. Absolutely fantastic news !
marco flaviani says:
September 17, 2010 at 2:55 pm
great news .tel wil be the future for movile e computers congratulations !
Russell Harper says:
September 17, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Glad to see .Tel is starting to get global recognition and support, especially from the likes of China. Looking forward to seeing future developments as they unfold….
Cees says:
September 18, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Nice positive news, I’ve celebrated by purchasing another China centric name, with a few more in mind.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Telnicv's China-Abenteuer: Eine Lachnummer?
Telnic's China-Abenteuer
Wie Telnic, die Registry für die Dot-Tel-Internet-Domain (.tel), in ihrem Blog verlauten liess, will sie den chinesischen Markt erobern.
Wie will sie das bewerkstelligen, wenn sie bisher nicht einmal lokale Märkte erschliessen konnte.
Jede Firma muss zuerst an lokalen Orten Prüfungen bestanden haben, und Erfolgreich gewesen sein, bevor sie International einen Erfolg anstrebt, und allenfalls verzeichnen kann.
Weder erfolgreich in London oder Paris, will Telnic gleich den chinesischen Markt erobern....
Das sind nicht gerade die besten Aussichten für einen Erfolg. Und auch angesichts der Vorgeschichte von Telnic: Bisher keine nennenswerten Vekaufserfolge.
Was soll die Träumerei? Ist der Misserfolg schon wieder vorprogrammiert? Wie oft noch, will Telnic ins Fettnäpfchen treten. Vorprogrammierte Selbstverschuldungen, und demonstriete Unfähigkeit, versprochenes zu liefern: Angefangen, beim „Integrieren einer .Tel in eine andere Webseite, bis zum fehlgeschlagenen „Einpflegen von Kundenwerbung innerhalb einer Dot-Tel-Domain“. Alles beim ersten Anlauf fehlgeschlagen. Das Kundenwerbungprojekt, wurde schon gar nicht mehr weiterverfolgt, sondern einem Drittanbieter überlassen. Schliesslich, wurde dann, aber erst viel später, „Integrieren eine .Tel in eine andere Webseite“, dann doch noch von Telnic selbst. auf einen funktionsfähigen Stand gebracht. Telnics Hauptaufmerksamkeit, betreffend eigner Programme oder Software, etc., gilt der iPhone Applikation „My.Tel“, was ja auch offenbar zu gebrauchen ist.
Im Bereich von Marketing, hat Telnic selber praktisch Nichts gemacht. Seit der Verhaftung ihres Haupt-Vizedirektors Fabien Chalandon, wurde es sehr still um Telnic. Es folgen quasi zwei Monate Schweigen. Und die Kommunity, wusste nicht, wies es denn weitergen soll, mit der .Tel.
Es purzelten weiterhin ganze Lawinen von nicht mehr erneuerten .Tel-Domains.
Nach mehr Misserfolgen, Lapsus und Faux-Pas, will nun Telnic China erobern...
Unfähig, im Kleinen eine gute Figur abzugeben, riskiert Telnic mit seinem Vorstoss nach China, dass das Telnic-China-Abenteuer zu einer der grössten Lachnummer wird, in der Geschichte des Internets.
Google Übersetzung in englisch:
How Telnic, the registry for the dot-Tel Internet domain (. Tel), had announced in her blog will she conquer the Chinese market.
How they will do that when they previously could not even open up local markets.
Every company must have first existed as to local places examinations, and have been successful, before seeking an International success, and can list at most.
Neither successful in London or Paris, Telnic will immediately conquer the Chinese market ....
They are not exactly the best prospects for success. And given the history of Telnic: So far no significant Vekaufserfolge.
What is the dream? Is the inevitable failure again? How many more, will enter Telnic put my foot. Preprogrammed own neglect, and demonstriete inability to deliver, promised: Starting with the 'Integrate a. Tel in another web site, to the failed "Entering from canvassing within a Dot-Tel-domain". All failed at the first attempt. The canvassing project, was pursued not matter at all, but left a third party. Finally, it was then, and only much later, "Integrate a. Tel in another website, but then still made by Telnic itself to a working state. Telnics main attention on his own programs or software, etc. is, the iPhone application "My.Tel", which is to be used, too obvious.
In the field of marketing, Telnic himself has done virtually nothing. Since the arrest of the principal deputy director Fabien Chalandon, it was very quiet around Telnic. It followed almost two months silence. And the Kommunity, did not know it was going to weitergen pointed to load. Tel
It tumbled further avalanches of all no longer renewed. Tel-Domains.
After more failures, lapses and Faux Pas, now wants to conquer Telnic China ...
Unable to make a good impression on a small scale, Telnic risked his foray into China, that the Telnic-China adventure is one of the biggest laughing stock in the history of the Internet.
Wie Telnic, die Registry für die Dot-Tel-Internet-Domain (.tel), in ihrem Blog verlauten liess, will sie den chinesischen Markt erobern.
Wie will sie das bewerkstelligen, wenn sie bisher nicht einmal lokale Märkte erschliessen konnte.
Jede Firma muss zuerst an lokalen Orten Prüfungen bestanden haben, und Erfolgreich gewesen sein, bevor sie International einen Erfolg anstrebt, und allenfalls verzeichnen kann.
Weder erfolgreich in London oder Paris, will Telnic gleich den chinesischen Markt erobern....
Das sind nicht gerade die besten Aussichten für einen Erfolg. Und auch angesichts der Vorgeschichte von Telnic: Bisher keine nennenswerten Vekaufserfolge.
Was soll die Träumerei? Ist der Misserfolg schon wieder vorprogrammiert? Wie oft noch, will Telnic ins Fettnäpfchen treten. Vorprogrammierte Selbstverschuldungen, und demonstriete Unfähigkeit, versprochenes zu liefern: Angefangen, beim „Integrieren einer .Tel in eine andere Webseite, bis zum fehlgeschlagenen „Einpflegen von Kundenwerbung innerhalb einer Dot-Tel-Domain“. Alles beim ersten Anlauf fehlgeschlagen. Das Kundenwerbungprojekt, wurde schon gar nicht mehr weiterverfolgt, sondern einem Drittanbieter überlassen. Schliesslich, wurde dann, aber erst viel später, „Integrieren eine .Tel in eine andere Webseite“, dann doch noch von Telnic selbst. auf einen funktionsfähigen Stand gebracht. Telnics Hauptaufmerksamkeit, betreffend eigner Programme oder Software, etc., gilt der iPhone Applikation „My.Tel“, was ja auch offenbar zu gebrauchen ist.
Im Bereich von Marketing, hat Telnic selber praktisch Nichts gemacht. Seit der Verhaftung ihres Haupt-Vizedirektors Fabien Chalandon, wurde es sehr still um Telnic. Es folgen quasi zwei Monate Schweigen. Und die Kommunity, wusste nicht, wies es denn weitergen soll, mit der .Tel.
Es purzelten weiterhin ganze Lawinen von nicht mehr erneuerten .Tel-Domains.
Nach mehr Misserfolgen, Lapsus und Faux-Pas, will nun Telnic China erobern...
Unfähig, im Kleinen eine gute Figur abzugeben, riskiert Telnic mit seinem Vorstoss nach China, dass das Telnic-China-Abenteuer zu einer der grössten Lachnummer wird, in der Geschichte des Internets.
Google Übersetzung in englisch:
How Telnic, the registry for the dot-Tel Internet domain (. Tel), had announced in her blog will she conquer the Chinese market.
How they will do that when they previously could not even open up local markets.
Every company must have first existed as to local places examinations, and have been successful, before seeking an International success, and can list at most.
Neither successful in London or Paris, Telnic will immediately conquer the Chinese market ....
They are not exactly the best prospects for success. And given the history of Telnic: So far no significant Vekaufserfolge.
What is the dream? Is the inevitable failure again? How many more, will enter Telnic put my foot. Preprogrammed own neglect, and demonstriete inability to deliver, promised: Starting with the 'Integrate a. Tel in another web site, to the failed "Entering from canvassing within a Dot-Tel-domain". All failed at the first attempt. The canvassing project, was pursued not matter at all, but left a third party. Finally, it was then, and only much later, "Integrate a. Tel in another website, but then still made by Telnic itself to a working state. Telnics main attention on his own programs or software, etc. is, the iPhone application "My.Tel", which is to be used, too obvious.
In the field of marketing, Telnic himself has done virtually nothing. Since the arrest of the principal deputy director Fabien Chalandon, it was very quiet around Telnic. It followed almost two months silence. And the Kommunity, did not know it was going to weitergen pointed to load. Tel
It tumbled further avalanches of all no longer renewed. Tel-Domains.
After more failures, lapses and Faux Pas, now wants to conquer Telnic China ...
Unable to make a good impression on a small scale, Telnic risked his foray into China, that the Telnic-China adventure is one of the biggest laughing stock in the history of the Internet.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Telnic and the Dot Tel
The UK domain registry Telnic is deeply in a crisis, and within the gray area between good business practices and econmic crime.
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculated on short-term profits, and is prepared to only watch the fate of their company, without taking any appropiate action. For years, the strategy was, to do only the most minimal effort: Small input, hoping for a big output. So, almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, was, and is the Internet domain registrar Webnames.ca:
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company Webnames.ca, which produced the famous promotional video "Love Train". Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually be decorated with "false feathers". It was always said, that the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than from Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, close to economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. Accused for fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Was recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and was released on free foot, after paying a hefty bail of 75,000 €. Mr Chalandon is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities. Is this how the face of a "White Collar Criminal" looks like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic. So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time, to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, do not seem to point to anything good.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was it wasn't until after the war, to become the "car for the people", as long before propagated.
Firstly comes disaster and chaos, because some people sense opportunity to make a quick profit ..., and hinder a good product to make fast progress.
The monitary system is at first destructive to a great extent, until it is good, and can perhaps serve for a good purpose.
The tactics of Telnic, are to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and when asked for a statement, to not answer, and to avoid confrontations.
The censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, who withholds information from the other forum visitors.
Telnic had always responded to issues clumsily. Not alt all professional. A company that acts so often amateurish, has a serious problem. And the recruitment of a new marketing director, who hasn't said a word, till now, probalbly won't be able to compensate for all the failures that Telnic produced up and till now.
Like all big businesse, Telnic thinks, that they are too big to fail...
Instead of beeing straight foreward, and informing the public about the state of things, the continue to just constantly patronize, controlle, deceive, ignore and censor it's community members.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic, remind me of the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
Knowing well, Telnics pace and work atitude, I doubt, they can easily catch up the deficits, as well as with the competitors. If you will: Telnic is somehow stuck, and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me, why so many former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what is going on, with the dot-tel domain, and with the .Tel registry.
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculated on short-term profits, and is prepared to only watch the fate of their company, without taking any appropiate action. For years, the strategy was, to do only the most minimal effort: Small input, hoping for a big output. So, almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, was, and is the Internet domain registrar Webnames.ca:
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company Webnames.ca, which produced the famous promotional video "Love Train". Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually be decorated with "false feathers". It was always said, that the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than from Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, close to economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. Accused for fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Was recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and was released on free foot, after paying a hefty bail of 75,000 €. Mr Chalandon is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities. Is this how the face of a "White Collar Criminal" looks like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic. So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time, to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, do not seem to point to anything good.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was it wasn't until after the war, to become the "car for the people", as long before propagated.
Firstly comes disaster and chaos, because some people sense opportunity to make a quick profit ..., and hinder a good product to make fast progress.
The monitary system is at first destructive to a great extent, until it is good, and can perhaps serve for a good purpose.
The tactics of Telnic, are to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and when asked for a statement, to not answer, and to avoid confrontations.
The censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, who withholds information from the other forum visitors.
Telnic had always responded to issues clumsily. Not alt all professional. A company that acts so often amateurish, has a serious problem. And the recruitment of a new marketing director, who hasn't said a word, till now, probalbly won't be able to compensate for all the failures that Telnic produced up and till now.
Like all big businesse, Telnic thinks, that they are too big to fail...
Instead of beeing straight foreward, and informing the public about the state of things, the continue to just constantly patronize, controlle, deceive, ignore and censor it's community members.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic, remind me of the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
Knowing well, Telnics pace and work atitude, I doubt, they can easily catch up the deficits, as well as with the competitors. If you will: Telnic is somehow stuck, and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me, why so many former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what is going on, with the dot-tel domain, and with the .Tel registry.
Telnic Crisis / 2
The subject, respectively, the contents of my last comment was posted in the official Telnic forum, and Telnic consulted. The gesture was night. This morning, I see that the Tread, the two post had been deleted kurzerhanbd.
So, I think, is absolutely not the solution, if you evade, and even deletes threads, which simply ask for an opinion.
Deleted from this thread, have at least 20 forum attendees note.
You remember perhaps the Domainauktionator "SnapNames, who was involved in a fraud scandal, because of insider trading: He just joined the flight to the front, made comments, all informed, and bar compensation payments. And instead of that the company had to close because of the scandal, they could further transactions, and exists even today.
The Taktikt of Telnic is easy to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and asked for comments, and avoid confrontations.
It takes me wonder whether something can all go well, or whether such behavior and reaction, not even once be a step toward the abyss.
It was by the same thread that one poster said, that he was of the opinion that know a lot of dot-Tel prospects that occurred at Telnic some problem cases, but that well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple, etc., already had their problems, and that that just ebem occur. Nevertheless, he would be happy if the Telnic could take my speech position.
But, as I said, responding Telnic single axle with deletion of new threads, which include "sensitive" questions. In real case, so such a discussion would go to senior management so that they can take note of it. Instead, the censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, and withheld information to the other forum visitors. Well, yes: There are not many forums more visitors, in Telnic forum: Typically, 0-3 members, and about 5 or 6 guests.
Also the way in which Telnic respond to requests for comment, is not a good sign. This company has grown to be publicly purchased during the entire time since the Tel-domain, expressed behave clumsily. Everything else, as a professional. A company that is going on in each case such amateurish, has a serious problem. And can the recruitment of a new marketing director, who has neither "pip pap has said" do not change, too.
Shame for Telnic, which is to be regretted. Telnic, is a troubled company that makes most everything wrong. And not in a position to stop the sinking of their ship, as the "leak" is relatively small. The Titanic is therefore set, all because they considered unsikbar. Error. Ships are not unsinkable. And every company is highly susceptible to disasters when they do not properly respond to serious problems.
Telnic is, so to survive under the existing management, not simply.
As it would have tremendous change much, and inform the public what is going on. Nowadays, one can only survive with transparency and transactions.
Whether customers or shareholders: It informs his powers on the state of things, and do not just constantly patronized, controlled, deceived, ignored and will censor.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic remember, even the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
I'm afraid I only Telnic the pace of the best know of the deficit and the lack, is hard to catch up and change are.
In many of her views, I showed Telnic previously unteachable what As for criticism or proposed amendments or changes. If you like: Something stuck and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me why so many are former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what so running with the dot-tel domain, and with iher Registry ".
So, I think, is absolutely not the solution, if you evade, and even deletes threads, which simply ask for an opinion.
Deleted from this thread, have at least 20 forum attendees note.
You remember perhaps the Domainauktionator "SnapNames, who was involved in a fraud scandal, because of insider trading: He just joined the flight to the front, made comments, all informed, and bar compensation payments. And instead of that the company had to close because of the scandal, they could further transactions, and exists even today.
The Taktikt of Telnic is easy to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and asked for comments, and avoid confrontations.
It takes me wonder whether something can all go well, or whether such behavior and reaction, not even once be a step toward the abyss.
It was by the same thread that one poster said, that he was of the opinion that know a lot of dot-Tel prospects that occurred at Telnic some problem cases, but that well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple, etc., already had their problems, and that that just ebem occur. Nevertheless, he would be happy if the Telnic could take my speech position.
But, as I said, responding Telnic single axle with deletion of new threads, which include "sensitive" questions. In real case, so such a discussion would go to senior management so that they can take note of it. Instead, the censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, and withheld information to the other forum visitors. Well, yes: There are not many forums more visitors, in Telnic forum: Typically, 0-3 members, and about 5 or 6 guests.
Also the way in which Telnic respond to requests for comment, is not a good sign. This company has grown to be publicly purchased during the entire time since the Tel-domain, expressed behave clumsily. Everything else, as a professional. A company that is going on in each case such amateurish, has a serious problem. And can the recruitment of a new marketing director, who has neither "pip pap has said" do not change, too.
Shame for Telnic, which is to be regretted. Telnic, is a troubled company that makes most everything wrong. And not in a position to stop the sinking of their ship, as the "leak" is relatively small. The Titanic is therefore set, all because they considered unsikbar. Error. Ships are not unsinkable. And every company is highly susceptible to disasters when they do not properly respond to serious problems.
Telnic is, so to survive under the existing management, not simply.
As it would have tremendous change much, and inform the public what is going on. Nowadays, one can only survive with transparency and transactions.
Whether customers or shareholders: It informs his powers on the state of things, and do not just constantly patronized, controlled, deceived, ignored and will censor.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic remember, even the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
I'm afraid I only Telnic the pace of the best know of the deficit and the lack, is hard to catch up and change are.
In many of her views, I showed Telnic previously unteachable what As for criticism or proposed amendments or changes. If you like: Something stuck and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me why so many are former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what so running with the dot-tel domain, and with iher Registry ".
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Telnic Crisis
Google translation from German:
The UK domain registry Telnic is mired in crisis, and up to his neck in the "swamp" the gray area on the edge of economic crime
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculate on short-term profits, and leaves the fate of their Firme now. For years, the strategy was to run only the most minimal effort: Small input, with the greatest possible output. So almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, treated the canadische this Internet domain registrar Webnames.ca:
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company Webnames.ca, which let the famous promotional video "Love Train" label. Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually decorate with "false spring". It was said then always, the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than the one Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, narrowly passed the economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. In the fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business are accused of.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Sass recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and came to a hefty bail of 75,000 € on free foot. Is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities.
Is this the face of a "White Collar Criminals" look like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have already received long time before a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic.
So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, seem to point to anything good.
Previous withdrawals from the Telnic Board were:
-> Ben Blumental ("pro forma" Marketing Director "Strohman"), who was not even quasi existential / is, and only figured on the list of directors (other than beneficiaries). Blumental, was formerly owner of "Ben.tel" which is now the owner of Telnic.
-> Howard Jones moved in (to withdraw from the business, while the picture was more or less intact, and nothing fell among. This result / resulted in better opportunities for new hires.) Howard Jones, had his. Tel-domain " HowardJones.tel "no longer renewed, which many of them. ... Tel-fans voted thoughtfully
Well, yes: If one of the largest Telnic insider sees no value in the product for which he sacrificed once all his time, energy, love and belief ...
The following members of the management had greatly reduced many months before your work:
Justin Hayward and Henri Asseily: After penedrant mainly in countless forums and defended with religious zeal, the position of Telnic and their product, and criticized the circumstances and conditions were trying to justify. Initially, in long and detailed forum posts, which then turned out increasingly scarce. Until one of two men less and less heard.
Virtually silent, they send 'views and then a Twitter tweet on the World Wide Web beyond.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was vorgesehhen until after the war to "car for the people", so how long before, and propagated.
It was only ever comes to disaster and chaos, is a good idea to its determination and application. "Too many cooks spoil just (initially) the broth." Sun stop the people when they sense opportunity to make a quick profit ...
Monita Our system is the very first of all destructive to a great extent, until it is good for good and perhaps even to serve.
The UK domain registry Telnic is mired in crisis, and up to his neck in the "swamp" the gray area on the edge of economic crime
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculate on short-term profits, and leaves the fate of their Firme now. For years, the strategy was to run only the most minimal effort: Small input, with the greatest possible output. So almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, treated the canadische this Internet domain registrar Webnames.ca:
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company Webnames.ca, which let the famous promotional video "Love Train" label. Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually decorate with "false spring". It was said then always, the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than the one Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, narrowly passed the economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. In the fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business are accused of.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Sass recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and came to a hefty bail of 75,000 € on free foot. Is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities.
Is this the face of a "White Collar Criminals" look like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have already received long time before a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic.
So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, seem to point to anything good.
Previous withdrawals from the Telnic Board were:
-> Ben Blumental ("pro forma" Marketing Director "Strohman"), who was not even quasi existential / is, and only figured on the list of directors (other than beneficiaries). Blumental, was formerly owner of "Ben.tel" which is now the owner of Telnic.
-> Howard Jones moved in (to withdraw from the business, while the picture was more or less intact, and nothing fell among. This result / resulted in better opportunities for new hires.) Howard Jones, had his. Tel-domain " HowardJones.tel "no longer renewed, which many of them. ... Tel-fans voted thoughtfully
Well, yes: If one of the largest Telnic insider sees no value in the product for which he sacrificed once all his time, energy, love and belief ...
The following members of the management had greatly reduced many months before your work:
Justin Hayward and Henri Asseily: After penedrant mainly in countless forums and defended with religious zeal, the position of Telnic and their product, and criticized the circumstances and conditions were trying to justify. Initially, in long and detailed forum posts, which then turned out increasingly scarce. Until one of two men less and less heard.
Virtually silent, they send 'views and then a Twitter tweet on the World Wide Web beyond.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was vorgesehhen until after the war to "car for the people", so how long before, and propagated.
It was only ever comes to disaster and chaos, is a good idea to its determination and application. "Too many cooks spoil just (initially) the broth." Sun stop the people when they sense opportunity to make a quick profit ...
Monita Our system is the very first of all destructive to a great extent, until it is good for good and perhaps even to serve.
Friday, 10 September 2010
How to Get a Mobile Website Fast and Cheap
Having a presence on mobile devices is increasingly vital for a local business. Millions of consumers now search on their iPhones, Blackberries, Androids and other devices to find what they need. In its first year, for example, the DexKnows.com mobile app saw local business searches skyrocket.
One way to get a powerful and effective mobile presence instantly and cheaply is to register and set up a .tel domain for your business or brand. This is not like other domains or websites. The .tel domain is completely standardized. Everyone’s site looks essentially the same, listing phone contacts, store or office locations, email addresses, websites, social networking pages, map location link, special deal information and – importantly – keywords.
Get full details on .tel domains and where to register at Telnic. The registration fee for a .tel domain (as low as $9.95/year) includes everything – the site, standard design, hosting and tools to enter or change your information instantly at any time, which makes it not only a good deal, but easy to set up. Check out these live examples for restaurants, sports clubs, bars, retail stores and travel agencies.
Other alternatives:
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
How about pepping up Peppy.tel?: Still no response from the Peppy.tel owner...
I had sent a email to the owner of Peppy.tel, via his website One-Sanfransico.com (email contact form), with my suggestion for updating Peppy.tel. Regrettably, I did not get an answer/reply, up and till now.
And so, I am not sure, why he likes to follow my blogs. Either he thinks, I am a nerd, or that I am brilliant...
Spice up your .Tel!:
Example domain (only shortly displayed):
div#topbar {background-color: # a7c0db ;} 1 blue, light
div#titlebar {background-color: # b56db5 ;} 2 purple, light
div#container {background-color: # 693e69 ;} 3 puple, dark
html {background-color: # a7c0db ;} 4 blue, light
Link to icon (get properties url):
Of course, I could make some other suggestons, for free, of course, because Aliencafe is a faithful reader of my blogs.
I admit, that there is a littel spice missing, on the current suggestion, but I am willing to add it, upon request.
And so, I am not sure, why he likes to follow my blogs. Either he thinks, I am a nerd, or that I am brilliant...
Spice up your .Tel!:
Example domain (only shortly displayed):
div#topbar {background-color: # a7c0db ;} 1 blue, light
div#titlebar {background-color: # b56db5 ;} 2 purple, light
div#container {background-color: # 693e69 ;} 3 puple, dark
html {background-color: # a7c0db ;} 4 blue, light
Link to icon (get properties url):
Of course, I could make some other suggestons, for free, of course, because Aliencafe is a faithful reader of my blogs.
I admit, that there is a littel spice missing, on the current suggestion, but I am willing to add it, upon request.
Inhaberwechsel, und Verschiebung der Domain auf das neue CTH
Beim Inhaberwechsel, zum Beispiel bei der Registrierung einer verfallenen (nicht erneuerten) .Tel Domain, sei oftmals Folgendes zu beachten und zu bewerkstelligen:
Die betreffende Domain sei vom CTH-Konto des vormaligen Inhabers zu entfernen, und dem Konto des neuen Inhabers zuzufügen.
Dabei sei dem Registrar, nebst diesen Angaben, auch die Kontobezeichnung anzugeben, damit die Zuordnung der Domain richtig erfolgen kann.
Beim Registrieren einer "pre owned" domain, fällt Einem die "unbereinigte" Seite wohl oftmals gar nicht auf, da meist nur ein Link sichtbar ist.
Spätestens, dann, wenn man sich auf dem Kontrollpanel befindet, wäre im Falle eines Missstandes oben Rechts ein kleines gelbes Warn-Dreieck sichtbar, mit der Mitteilung (sobald man mit dem Kursor über das Dreieck fährt), dass die Domain noch nicht korrekt konfiguriert sei, und man sich an seinen Registrar zu wenden habe, um den Missstand zu beheben, sodass das Einrichten der Seite überhaupt erst möglich ist.
Weitere Tips:
Wenn man später einen Ordner oder einen Weblink verschieben oder kopieren möchte, muss man sehr aufpassen, dass man sich nicht verwählt, und auf den richtigen Befehl klickt. Also:
--> Copie to (oder)
--> Move to
Zur Kontrolle, ob man auch den richtigen Befehl angeklickt hat, kann man die Bestätigung im Pop-UP-Fensterchen lesen.
Sollte man dennoch verschoben, statt kopiert haben, so kann man den Vorgang rückgängig machen, und zwar dort, wo der Link oder Ordner plaziert wurde: Sie verschieben einfach wieder zurück. Oder noch besser: Sie belassen den verschobenen Ordner, dort wo er ist, und kopieren ihn einfach an den Ort, wo er vorher stand. Somit haben Sie auch wieder zwei Ordner.
Weitere Tips:
Das Beschriften der Ordner:
Bekanntlich, kann man "Go To" mit was anderem ersetzen...
Dies scheint jedoch nur möglich, von der Gesammtübersicht der Ordner aus. Also, vom Haupt-Ordner-Stamm ausgehend, bis in die kleinsten "Verästelungen". Aber von dort, hat man auch einen guten Überblick, und kann bequem gleich alle anderen Ordner zusätzlich in grosser Schrift bezeichnen. Da der besthende blaue Font, noch kleiner geworden, und deshalb etwas schwer zu lesen ist.
Sie finden bebilderte Beschreibungen, in den diversen vorhandenen Anleitungen/Tutorials und Handbüchern:
Im Hauptmenu von "dot-tel-domain.tel", finden Sie auch den Ordner "Handbuch": Eine Anleitung auf deutsch, übersetzt vom Jepaa-Team:
Grundsätzlich, sind viele Vorgänge selbsterklärend, und der Lernprozess, ist eher ein "learning by doing", als ein Wälzen von dicken Handbüchern.
Und nun, nach all der "grauen" Theory, am Schluss noch ein Beispiel. Hierbei kamen sämtliche hier beschriebenen Vorgänge und Problemfälle zur Anwendung. Trotz der "Zangen-Geburt", kann man sehen, dass aus dem einst grauen und hässlichen Entlein (mit viel Zuwendung) ein schöner Schwan geworden ist:
Und nun, weiter viel Freud "und Leid", mit der Gestaltung und Einrichtung Euer .Tel's.
Die betreffende Domain sei vom CTH-Konto des vormaligen Inhabers zu entfernen, und dem Konto des neuen Inhabers zuzufügen.
Dabei sei dem Registrar, nebst diesen Angaben, auch die Kontobezeichnung anzugeben, damit die Zuordnung der Domain richtig erfolgen kann.
Beim Registrieren einer "pre owned" domain, fällt Einem die "unbereinigte" Seite wohl oftmals gar nicht auf, da meist nur ein Link sichtbar ist.
Spätestens, dann, wenn man sich auf dem Kontrollpanel befindet, wäre im Falle eines Missstandes oben Rechts ein kleines gelbes Warn-Dreieck sichtbar, mit der Mitteilung (sobald man mit dem Kursor über das Dreieck fährt), dass die Domain noch nicht korrekt konfiguriert sei, und man sich an seinen Registrar zu wenden habe, um den Missstand zu beheben, sodass das Einrichten der Seite überhaupt erst möglich ist.
Weitere Tips:
Wenn man später einen Ordner oder einen Weblink verschieben oder kopieren möchte, muss man sehr aufpassen, dass man sich nicht verwählt, und auf den richtigen Befehl klickt. Also:
--> Copie to (oder)
--> Move to
Zur Kontrolle, ob man auch den richtigen Befehl angeklickt hat, kann man die Bestätigung im Pop-UP-Fensterchen lesen.
Sollte man dennoch verschoben, statt kopiert haben, so kann man den Vorgang rückgängig machen, und zwar dort, wo der Link oder Ordner plaziert wurde: Sie verschieben einfach wieder zurück. Oder noch besser: Sie belassen den verschobenen Ordner, dort wo er ist, und kopieren ihn einfach an den Ort, wo er vorher stand. Somit haben Sie auch wieder zwei Ordner.
Weitere Tips:
Das Beschriften der Ordner:
Bekanntlich, kann man "Go To" mit was anderem ersetzen...
Dies scheint jedoch nur möglich, von der Gesammtübersicht der Ordner aus. Also, vom Haupt-Ordner-Stamm ausgehend, bis in die kleinsten "Verästelungen". Aber von dort, hat man auch einen guten Überblick, und kann bequem gleich alle anderen Ordner zusätzlich in grosser Schrift bezeichnen. Da der besthende blaue Font, noch kleiner geworden, und deshalb etwas schwer zu lesen ist.
Sie finden bebilderte Beschreibungen, in den diversen vorhandenen Anleitungen/Tutorials und Handbüchern:
Im Hauptmenu von "dot-tel-domain.tel", finden Sie auch den Ordner "Handbuch": Eine Anleitung auf deutsch, übersetzt vom Jepaa-Team:
Grundsätzlich, sind viele Vorgänge selbsterklärend, und der Lernprozess, ist eher ein "learning by doing", als ein Wälzen von dicken Handbüchern.
Und nun, nach all der "grauen" Theory, am Schluss noch ein Beispiel. Hierbei kamen sämtliche hier beschriebenen Vorgänge und Problemfälle zur Anwendung. Trotz der "Zangen-Geburt", kann man sehen, dass aus dem einst grauen und hässlichen Entlein (mit viel Zuwendung) ein schöner Schwan geworden ist:
Und nun, weiter viel Freud "und Leid", mit der Gestaltung und Einrichtung Euer .Tel's.
Dot Tel: Well, what should I say...?
Hardly anybody in the .tel forums.
The main Google search results mostly show outdated articles from 2008 and 2009.
Not much diversification within the .tel blogosphere.
Loads of previous faithful .tel holders have "deserted" and dropped their .tel names.
.tel blogs and .tel forums are silencing.
The only .tel updates can be found in form of Twitter tweets...
But nevertheless: There are a few .tel evangelists, that continue to go their way with .tel, and are showing some impressive populated .tel domains. One .tel believer will create constellations between dot tel domains and dot co domains (.co). Because, as he states: Dot Tel domains are very useful for implementing them into existing websites, such as .com, or the new .co.
However, if you look at it, from a distance: This is the time where most people populate their .tel domains, and where we can see a lot of attractive .tel's.
Slowly, the gray and boring pages are getting colored.
I understand, as a co-founder of webnames.ca stated, that the Dot Tel domain is a long term project. And so, if we keep .tel going, we might be better off, than iff we would abandon .tel, respectively, turn away from .tel.
Of course, all the unfaithful .tel holders, are only acting according to the circumstances: But what is clearly a short term phenomenon.
The main Google search results mostly show outdated articles from 2008 and 2009.
Not much diversification within the .tel blogosphere.
Loads of previous faithful .tel holders have "deserted" and dropped their .tel names.
.tel blogs and .tel forums are silencing.
The only .tel updates can be found in form of Twitter tweets...
But nevertheless: There are a few .tel evangelists, that continue to go their way with .tel, and are showing some impressive populated .tel domains. One .tel believer will create constellations between dot tel domains and dot co domains (.co). Because, as he states: Dot Tel domains are very useful for implementing them into existing websites, such as .com, or the new .co.
However, if you look at it, from a distance: This is the time where most people populate their .tel domains, and where we can see a lot of attractive .tel's.
Slowly, the gray and boring pages are getting colored.
I understand, as a co-founder of webnames.ca stated, that the Dot Tel domain is a long term project. And so, if we keep .tel going, we might be better off, than iff we would abandon .tel, respectively, turn away from .tel.
Of course, all the unfaithful .tel holders, are only acting according to the circumstances: But what is clearly a short term phenomenon.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
.co web developer (anywhere)
I recently acquired several decent .co domain names. Hope is they'll come to mean 'company' rather than being identified with the country code.
I do not develop, but host and domain. I want to partner with someone who can help create or finish sites that have some real money potential.
One is hometours.co I have the matching .tel name which acts as an 'index' page or directory.
The site needs api integration with animoto . com and flixtime . com for creating video slideshows. The site visitor makes their own.
One is autosell.co This is a self publishing 'craigs' type service which also allows the user to print out the sign for their car window ( http://autosell.tel shows a bit of the idea )
I hate to be one of those 'partner and own part' since I can't pay upfront. The people I work with who do develop haven't found time in a year to help with the .tel aspect. Now that the .co is a part of it, the project has a whole new life. The .tel information can embed on the .co, for instance.
What I do provide: hosting and the names. I have dozens of sites to develop over the next year.
If you have projects that need hosting, that barter would be the first thing to do. The first paying site will quickly recoup the expenses of paying for the development. It's just getting the process rolling.
If you have interest in something that truly could make some good money, consider.
I do not develop, but host and domain. I want to partner with someone who can help create or finish sites that have some real money potential.
One is hometours.co I have the matching .tel name which acts as an 'index' page or directory.
The site needs api integration with animoto . com and flixtime . com for creating video slideshows. The site visitor makes their own.
One is autosell.co This is a self publishing 'craigs' type service which also allows the user to print out the sign for their car window ( http://autosell.tel shows a bit of the idea )
I hate to be one of those 'partner and own part' since I can't pay upfront. The people I work with who do develop haven't found time in a year to help with the .tel aspect. Now that the .co is a part of it, the project has a whole new life. The .tel information can embed on the .co, for instance.
What I do provide: hosting and the names. I have dozens of sites to develop over the next year.
If you have projects that need hosting, that barter would be the first thing to do. The first paying site will quickly recoup the expenses of paying for the development. It's just getting the process rolling.
If you have interest in something that truly could make some good money, consider.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Telnic Vice Chairman Fabien Chalandon indicted and jailed
02.07.2010 / leparisien.fr
Quote Fabien Chaladon: ".tel is the biggest innovation in the Internet since the launch of .com."
Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, was indicted Thursday for violating the law on gambling and incarcerated. Technical Consultant Company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris, man aged 57 was arrested and taken into custody late Tuesday morning in Paris at the premises of the Brigade of repression banditry (BRB).
Paid up to € 10,000 per month for a year and a half Visionex society in exchange for his advice, Fabien Chalandon is suspected of having intervened with Michèle Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior, to promote the installation of Internet terminals.
During his hearing, Fabien Chalandon reportedly said "being deceived" about the use of these machines by Sigoignet Olivier, the manager of this company based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). He acknowledged that the terminals of actually housed illegal gambling. Machines on which players can "lose" fat.
In an interview with Le Parisien, Aujourd'hui en France, son of former Minister of Justice had held that "Olivier Sigoignet underwent grossly unfair", saying even "a conspiracy hatched by several police departments in the balance of PMU and French games (JDF).
INDICTED May 20 for "infringement on the law on games of chance," Olivier Sigoignet has since been remanded in custody.
Quote Fabien Chaladon: ".tel is the biggest innovation in the Internet since the launch of .com."
Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, was indicted Thursday for violating the law on gambling and incarcerated. Technical Consultant Company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris, man aged 57 was arrested and taken into custody late Tuesday morning in Paris at the premises of the Brigade of repression banditry (BRB).
Paid up to € 10,000 per month for a year and a half Visionex society in exchange for his advice, Fabien Chalandon is suspected of having intervened with Michèle Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior, to promote the installation of Internet terminals.
During his hearing, Fabien Chalandon reportedly said "being deceived" about the use of these machines by Sigoignet Olivier, the manager of this company based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). He acknowledged that the terminals of actually housed illegal gambling. Machines on which players can "lose" fat.
In an interview with Le Parisien, Aujourd'hui en France, son of former Minister of Justice had held that "Olivier Sigoignet underwent grossly unfair", saying even "a conspiracy hatched by several police departments in the balance of PMU and French games (JDF).
INDICTED May 20 for "infringement on the law on games of chance," Olivier Sigoignet has since been remanded in custody.
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